Minutes of the 2013 AGM held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 24th September 2013

1. Attendance

Present : Nick Lowe, Tony Lane, Reg Clucas, David Hughes, David Johnson, Marjorie Rhodes, Denis Osborne, Tom Tomkins, Bill McCartney, Karl Lockett, Pete Arland, Rob Isaac, Wayne Kranz, Mark Whalley, Steve Ward, Peter Hawes, Yaroslav Kolodiy, John Roff.

Apologies for absence : Jane & Edwin Brophy, Richard White, Steve Douglas.

2. Minutes of the 2012 AGM were agreed as correct and accepted.

3. Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

4. Officers' reports

Secretary – John Roff reported that there were no significant highlights with regard to the Secretary's role. He therefore reserved further comments until item 6 on the agenda.

Treasurer – The Treasurer's report and accounts are attached to these minutes. The meeting approved Nick's suggestion of a £5 rebate in membership fee for ECF members. Discussion took place as to whether we should spend some of our surplus on seven digital clocks (i.e. enough for Manchester League matches). This was tentatively agreed subject to cost. Tom Tomkins offered to investigate options whereby we might obtain sponsorship for this expenditure.

Team Captains' reports – Reports from the captains of the Manchester League, Stockport League and SE Lancs Summer League teams are attached to these minutes.

Club Events – The Open was changed halfway through from a Swiss to an all-play-all format, and there are still some outstanding games to be completed, but Yaroslav is in a good position to retain his title. The Major also has outstanding games, which will hopefully resolve the three way tie at the top.

5. Presentation of trophies

Since the two main competitions are not yet completed, this was postponed till a later date.

6. Officers' duties and statement by retiring Secretary

John Roff announced that he is retiring as Secretary, and wished his successor a happy and successful time ahead. Prior to the meeting, an email discussion had taken place about redefining officers' roles to encompass some of the Secretary's current duties. It was agreed that these duties will in future be allocated as follows -

7. Election of Officers

John Roff proposed Reg Clucas as the new Secretary. Wayne Kranz seconded this proposal, which was carried.

The Treasurer (Nick Lowe) was re-elected.

The Internal Competitions organiser (Nick Lowe) was re-elected.

Team captains Tony Lane (Manchester League & SE Lancs Summer League), David Hughes (Stockport League A team) and Steve Ward (Stockport League B team) were re-elected.

8. Grading of Club Championship games

It is now possible to have Club Championship games graded at no extra cost for ECF members, and it was agreed to do this commencing with the 2014 competitions, subject to the following - a query was raised as to whether this can in fact be done if the competition includes players who are not ECF members, and Karl Lockett agreed to look into this.

9. Entries for Stockport League

We will continue to run two teams in the Stockport League; the A team in division 2 (six boards) and the B team in a new grade restricted division, where the total grades of the four players on the team must not exceed 400.

10. Any other business

David Johnson and Mark Whalley have joined the club recently this year and were formally welcomed by the meeting.

Bill McCartney felt that our premises were not ideal and suggested we all look around for possible alternatives.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8:45 p.m.