Altrincham & Hale Chess Club

Minutes of the 2012 AGM held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 18th September 2012

1. Attendance

Present were :

Nick Lowe, John Roff, David Hughes, Steve Ward, Marjorie Rhodes, Richard White, Reg Clucas, Tom Tomkins, Pete Arland, Rob Isaac, Tom Hague, Harry Hague, Sam Hague, Yaroslav Kolodiy and Bill McCartney.

Apologies for absence : Tony Lane, Denis Osborne, Callum McNulty, Jane & Edwin Brophy.

2. Minutes of the 2011 AGM were agreed as correct and accepted.

3. Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

4. Officers' reports

Secretary : John Roff reported that it had been a fairly uneventful year for the club except for our success in the Summer League in which we achieved a 100% record. New additions to the club equipment were a proper chess cupboard and stationery with our new club logo.

The other officers' reports were presented and accepted as applicable.

5. Trophies were presented to the competition winners and promptly returned for engraving.

6. ECF new membership arrangements were explained and it was agreed that an additional £10 be added this year to cover registration costs.

7. Election of Officers All the usual motley crew were willing to stand again and were so elected. Tom Tomkins agreed to take over the role of Webmaster.

8. League entries were confirmed.

9. Any other business. A suggestion was made that moves made during the various internal competitions be retained for reference which was generally accepted apart from one dissident.

10. There being no other business the meeting was formally closed.