Minutes of the 2011 AGM held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 13th September 2011

  1. Attendance and Apologies

    Present were
    : Tony Lane, Nick Lowe, John Roff, David Hughes, Steve Ward, Jim Barr, Richard White, Marjorie Rhodes, Denis Osborne, Tom Tomkins, Rob Isaac, Yaroslav Kolodiy, Karl Lockett, Reg Clucas and Peter Hanes.

    Apologies for absence
    : Callum McNulty, Kurt Linke, Les Hebb, Michael Blake, Thomas Hague, Pete Arland, Jane and Edwin Brophy.

  2. Minutes of the 2010 AGM were agreed as correct and accepted.

  3. Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

  4. Officers' Reports

    Secretary : John Roff reported that the only major development had been the disbanding of The Trafford League and the teams being transferred to the Manchester League Div E. Otherwise he wanted to relinquish the administration of our website to someone more qualified and create a separate role of Webmaster for the club.

    Treasurer : Nick Lowe reported a reduction in expenses for the year down to £278.28 partly due to engraving costs being carried over to the next financial year. Reserves carried forward were £584.23 an approximate increase of £90.

    Team Captains : Tony, David and Steve gave detailed reports of our various teams and individual results.

    Club Events Organiser : Nick Lowe reported on the internal competitions and a list of trophy winners.

  5. Presentation of Trophies : Trophies were presented as follows:-

    President's Cup Yaroslav Kolodiy

    Committee Cup Reg Clucas

    Grand Prix Yaroslav Kolodiy

    Major Steve Ward

    Captain's Cup Yaroslav Kolodiy

  6. Arrangements for 2011 – 2012 : No change envisaged from before.

  7. Election of officers

    All the current officers were agreeable to continue and there being no other nominations they were all re-elected unanimously.

    Webmaster : Karl Lockett offered to fill this new post and was so elected.

  8. Delegate to Manchester Chess Federation

    MCF had asked us to elect a delegate from Altrincham but nobody was willing to undertake this role.

  9. Stockport League entries

    The A team were entered as before.

    The B team had transferred from Manchester E Division and entered Stockport Division 4.

  10. Any other business

    John Roff was still pursuing the adoption of a logo for the club. A question of cost was raised but John assured the meeting that it would done at no cost to the club.

    The question of a new chess cupboard was again raised in order to store our equipment securely and various officers agreed to make further enquiries.

    John asked all the other officers to discuss trophy replacement and/or restoration after the meeting.

  11. There being no other business the meeting was formally closed.