Altrincham and Hale Chess Club
Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 27th June 2006
at the Navigation Hotel, Altrincham

Minutes of Meeting

1. Attended by - per attendance list

2. There were apologies for absence from John Roff, David Bryan and Peter Arland.

3. The minutes of the annual general meeting held on 5th July 2005 were accepted as being a correct record.

4. There was just one matter arising from the minutes of the 2005 A.G.M:-
· Karl Lockett continues to investigate the possibility of the club having its own website.

5. Winners of the various club competitions are as listed in the club events organiser’s report. The trophy for the rapidplay handicap was presented to Tom Tomkins. All other trophies were to be presented when the results of the various competitions were known.

6. Officers' reports:

The following club officers submitted their report for the 2005/2006 season, and a copy of their reports are appended to these minutes:-

· Secretary: Richard White.

· Treasurer: Nick Lowe.

· Manchester League team captain: Tony Lane.

· Stockport League captain: David Hughes.

· South East Lancashire Summer League captain: Tony Lane.

· Trafford League: Steve Ward.

· Club events organiser: Nick Lowe.

7. Arrangements for 2006/2007

The members accepted the proposal by the club treasurer that the annual subscription for the forthcoming year shall be as follows:-

· £20.00 for ordinary members.

· £10.00 for retired and student members.

· £5.00 for junior members.

The intention of the club is to continue to play competitive chess in the Manchester, Stockport, South East Lancashire and Trafford leagues.

Following a proposal by Karl Lockett it was decided to enter a second team in the Stockport League at the league fixtures meeting next September.

Following a proposal by Karl Lockett the Club Events Organiser agreed to split the club competition events into two sections (i.e. a major and a minor competition).

8. Election of officers:
The following were duly elected as club officers:-

President: Tony Lane

Secretary: Tom Tomkins.

Treasurer: Nick Lowe.

Manchester League team captain: Tony Lane.

Stockport League first team captain: David Hughes.

Stockport League second team captain: Karl Lockett.

South East Lancashire Summer League captain: Tony Lane.

Trafford League captain: Stephen Ward.

Club events organiser: Nick Lowe.

9. Any other business.